Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Bad decision

OK so trying chemo without the benefit of the steroids was a really bad decision. The treatment itself was fine but I have been sick ever since. I have been sick to my stomach, I have mouth sores again and just generally feel like YUCK! I guess the Dr. does know what she is doing. Hopefully I only have to take the steroids for one more week. I should know better at this point but I am tired of feeling shaky, having insomnia and gaining so much weight. I suppose in the grand scheme of things this should all be a minor annoyance but it doesn't feel like it. My last treatment is Thursday, July 2nd. Then I move on to radiation and chemo with only one drug every 3 weeks. I think I see the light at the end of the tunnel finally!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

One more Treatment!

After my treatment yesterday I have one more to go. YEAH!!!! I even did this last one without the benefit of the steroids. I am tired of all the side effects of the steroids and decided to take my chances with treatment. It was fine, in fact I slept through most of it. Poor Debbie she sits with me during treatment and all I did was sleep! I am very shaky today which is the usual and I had a bad headache last night but the end is in sight. It has been a long 6 months but the end is finally here. In August I will start radiation and that will last for 33 days. I will still have chemo but only one drug every 3 weeks and there should not be many side effects. I won't totally be a chemo graduate for the next year but this is still pretty good! I had a dream the other night that I had hair and really I do have a little now. Maybe an inch all around. We are looking forward to the rest of summer and the ability to get on with things. No more chemo patient!!!!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

3 more treatments!!!!

Tomorrow I am headed to chemo, but only 3 more to go. YEAH!!!! The neuropathy in my feet is really getting bad so it is time to quit these drugs. I finally went and purchased my first pair of Crocs today as the Dr. thought this would help the pain. They are just not that attractive but if it helps I guess it is worth it. Function over beauty....it is just hard to pay $40 for ugly shoes! My sister-in-law Elaine and I had a busy day today. She was in town with my father-in-law for a Dr.'s appt. so we made the most of the day. We shopped for hours and I am sure that didn't help the situation with my feet! She is getting ready to travel to Uganda with her son David so she got a lot of shots today too. We started out at the health department where she received 3 shots and ended up at a place called the travel and immunization clinic where she received another shot. She was a good patient but they wouldn't give her a sucker because of the risk of choking so I took her for a malt instead! She didn't even need me to hold her hand like I do with my kids when they get their shots. We shopped for clothes for my father-in-law as there is not much of a selection in Stockton, Kansas. He even has a new suit for Hosea's wedding this summer. He looks mighty handsome in all his new outfits. He had to model for us to make sure everything fit. I have been feeling pretty good this week. Aside from the foot pain I have also been dealing with nose bleeds and some back pain. Not sure what the nose bleed thing is about but I had 3 of them today. Very inconvenient. The back pain may just be because I am trying really hard to start building up more energy so I am trying to do more...just trying to get back to where I was last October. Maybe I am rushing it...who knows. I am just tired of being a chemo patient. Have a fabulous weekend everyone!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

4 More Treatments to go

Okay so I am behind on the blogging but not much new to report. The weekly chemo treatments just suck. I think the earlier treatments were easier to deal with, maybe not physically but certainly emotionally. The fatigue seems to increase with each treatment and my energy level is about a zero lately. I met with my surgeon this week and so far she sees no sign of the cancer spreading. Apparently my oncologist has decided to put me on an oral agent for a number of years after chemo is done but she has not discussed this with me. It was in a letter to my surgeon. I will have most of the month of July off from treatment and will start radiation in August. We have decided to take a vacation, a cruise. I think everyone could use it. The kids are great. Regan is working hard at gym over the summer, she has practice Monday-Friday. Alex plays soccer a couple of times a week and Noah is busy with summer school. He is taking art and PE along with reading and math. In July he will have some fun camps to attend which should keep him busy. We did raise a lot of money at our Lu'au...$8.500.00!! Thanks to everyone for your generosity. We had a wonderful time and it was all for a good cause! Have a great week everyone!