Friday, December 19, 2008

Doctor's visit

Noah and I took a quick trip to the doctor today to have one of my drains removed. Yeah! The drainage was minimal and I just didn't want to wait for my scheduled visit on Monday. He was such a trouper. He told me he didn't want to see my "owees" and he would wait for me in the waiting room. I brought him a deck of cards and he played solitaire on the floor while he waited. I guess I didn't realize when they pulled the drain there would be a hole in my chest. I am not sure what I thought would happen but there is a hole! They said it would close within the next few days. I still have one drain in and it will probably be there for a while.

I have been feeling pretty good overall. I am stiff in the morning because I don't move at night while sleeping. I can only sleep on my back and it hurts to move to much so by morning I am pretty stiff. I get tired by early evening so I am trying to take it easy. The worst part is when I get cold. It makes the muscles in my chest contract and that hurts like ****! I guess it would have been easier if the muscles in my chest were flabby. I think the past four years at the gym, although great for overall health, have made this surgery more difficult.

Thank you again for all your support!


Wendy said...

Hi Dawn,
I just wanted to let you know that I pray for you every day, usually several times a day, whenever I think about you (which is often).

A couple months ago, a woman spoke at the church I'm attending who was a breast cancer survivor. I asked her about it in more detail on Sunday. She had 23 positive lymph nodes and was diagnosed stage 3, and today is completely healthy and thriving (and, of course, has all her hair back after treatments, as she was keen to point out). I don't know how long ago she went through this, but I know it's been several years, right after she moved to Kansas; she didn't know anyone here at the time. I'm sure you are finding a lot of women to connect with through the treatment center, but if you do ever want to speak with someone who's been through it, she's very open about her experience and I could ask her for her number.

I know it has not been a great holiday season for you and your family, but I hope you will at least find a lot of time to spend together while you heal, and maybe watch a few good holiday movies (I'm partial to A Muppet Christmas Carol and The Grinch).

Cheers, Wendy

cbilskey said...

Hi Dawn,
I have been reading your postings. Your son Noah should be proud of himself for going to the Doc with you even though he didn't want to see your Owie! A big "That A Boy" to him.
From what I have read it seems the tumor was large and you are in a lot of pain.I know you will follow up with what your physician recommends so you can lead yourself to getting better in the months to follow. Tyann, Jeremy and I want to tell you to stay strong and do your best to get through this. I think about you every day and I want you to know that we love you.
Not too many people get to call me Chuckie, but the last time I saw you, that's what you called me so it's OK