Friday, January 16, 2009

Port in place

I am now two steps closer to my first treatment. I had an echo cardiogram this morning and the port went in this afternoon. The weather made things a little tricky today. I was supposed to be at the Cardiologist by 8:30 this morning for an 8:45 procedure. I got stuck on Quivira of all places for 45 minutes! It took me 45 minutes to get from 135th St. & Quivira to I-435. Luckily there were a number of patients that didn't show up so it was not a problem. Debbie came over and she and James took me to the hospital to have the port put in. I arrived at 11:30 and was out of there by 3:00. Things went well. I am pretty sore tonight but surprisingly I am not nearly as tired as the last time they put me under. So long as I limit activity with my right arm I am fine. We spent a nice quiet evening at home which was fine with everyone as we are all tired of this cold!

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