Sunday, February 15, 2009

Round 2 done!

My second round of chemotherapy is behind me. Only 2 more bad ones to go. I did pretty good this time. My sister came with me and we tried a new approach. During the pre-medicating stage she brought me a full lunch so I ate a good meal before the bad stuff was infused. I did not get as sick to my stomach. I was achey that night but nothing like the last time. I even managed to run some errands yesterday with Debbie's help. I was able to watch Noah's basketball team manhandle another 3rd grade team. James told me I should wait one more day before declaring this was easier as the Dr. has warned me that the 3rd day tends to be the worst. I guess we will see. I am very shaky today but I am still on high doses of steroids and that could be part of the problem. Alex went to WPA last night with a boy from school. She spent the night at a friends house so I don't have the details yet. All of my hair is gone and Noah thinks I look pretty funny. I have worn my wig a few times but my scalp is still really sore so I have been relying on hats and scarves. Without hair you tend to get cold fast!
I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day!

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