Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bump in the road

This week I had a little "bump in the road" but all is now well. Monday we took Regan out to eat for her birthday and I was not feeling very good. I had a headache that just wouldn't go away. I went to bed early that night but woke up around 1 am with a horrible migraine headache. It was the worst I have ever experienced. I actually called the on call oncologist because I didn't think I could handle it. He suggested the ER. James was scheduled to go out of town early Tuesday AM so I decided to take some pain pills so I could make it until morning. I did sleep for a few hours but woke with the same pain. I called my oncologist Tuesday morning and went in to see her. She gave me a number of IV medications and ordered a CT scan of my head. Of course the fear was the cancer had spread and that is what was causing the headache. Thankfully that was not the case. The CT scan was normal. This was either a very bad migraine or a reaction to the neulasta shot I had last week. The medication made me sleep most of the day Tuesday which was the best thing for the pain. By Wednesday I was feeling much better. Since then I have been feeling much better and am looking forward to a wonderful Easter!


Tripp, Jack, Charlotte said...

We hope you and your family have a wonderful Easter tomorrow!

Shell said...

So sorry about your head ache and scare. This isn't a very fun road you are on right now but at least you know you're not traveling it alone. Everyone loves you including me! I'm thinking of you always and praying for a fast and successful recovery.