Friday, July 3, 2009

Chemo Graduate

Finally I have officially graduated from Chemotherapy. Although I still have to go to the infusion suite every 3 weeks to have a drug administered it is considered a maintenance drug not a chemotherapy drug. The maintenance drug, Herceptin, will be every 3 weeks for 13 more treatments. So today at the end of chemo I was presented with a purple heart certificate for surviving 24 weeks of chemo! I see the radiation oncologist on July 14 and will schedule the start of my radiation treatment. That will last for 6.5 weeks everyday but the weekends. It looks like I will be all done with treatment by early March 2010 and then I can schedule the final surgery along with the removal of my port!!!! Finally the light at the end of the tunnel. Now we just have to pray this never returns! Have a wonderful 4th of July!!


Sass!!! said...

Bless your heart !!! I have been following your blog and talking with Betsy. You are a very strong woman!! I wish you the best of luck. My thoughts and prayers go with you and your family quite often, hang in there Dawn.

Janelle said...

Congratulations! It was great to see you again after basketball this morning.