Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas everyone! We hope you had a wonderful holiday with family & friends. We stayed home Christmas day and my sister, brother-in-law and niece came over. The kids were such a help this holiday. Alex in particular helped with the shopping and the wrapping. It was a wonderful day filled with gigantic crab legs for dinner. We decided that day to take a little trip and surprise Noah for his 9th birthday, which is today. Christmas night we all packed bags and went to bed early. The next day we were up by 3:30 am and on the road by 4:30 headed to Florida! What a long drive. We made it to Valdosta, Georgia by 9:30 pm and just couldn't drive any more. We spent the night and got up early today and drove the last 5 hours. It is beautiful here in Florida. I told the kids I could rest on the beach in Florida just as well as I could on the couch at home. I am pretty sore but I think that is due to the lack of exercise for the past 2 days.

The week of Christmas I met with Dr. Jew for a follow-up. All is well. She has me scheduled to have my central line put in January 16th. I still have a drain in but I am hoping that while I am in Florida it will slow down enough that I can have my mom pull the drain. The skin is so irritated but so far no infection.

We plan to stay in Florida for a week. We will just watch the weather and look for a few good days to head home.

Noah was very surprised by the trip which is what we were hoping for. His only request for his birthday was to spend it with his cousins. We are very thankful we have the opportunity to grant his wish!

1 comment:

kalocke said...

I can't believe you guys are in Florida. That is wonderful to be with the rest of your family. Have a great time and veg out as much as you can in that sunshine. Happy New Year to all of you. Hugs. Aunt K