Friday, December 5, 2008

Ready for Surgery

I am finally ready for the surgery. I had all my pre-op labs done today. The nurse at the hospital asked me if I have been tired lately. I said "of course as I have not been sleeping well." It turns out I am anemic. My hemoglobin level is at 9 and it should be at 12. I spoke to my surgeon and because it was after 5pm she said she would not get the lab results until Monday. She said I may need a transfusion or postpone the surgery. I can't imagine pushing the surgery date back. I am hopeful we can resolve this and proceed with the surgery. I just want to get the ball rolling and get this thing out of me!


Janelle said...

We're praying for you!

Bellerive Family said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers, Dawn!!!