Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another surgery

OK so every time I post it isn't good news. This past weekend my incision site tore open again. I saw the doctor yesterday and they have decided to try another procedure. This surgery is called a latissimus dorsi flap. The procedure uses muscle, fat and skin from my back. It is tunneled under the skin and tissue to reconstruct the breast. It remains attached to the donor site which leaves the blood supply intact. It does not sound like a fun surgery. I will probably stay in the hospital 2 nights. My mother is coming tomorrow night and plans to stay for 2 weeks. She had this surgery done and insists on being here. This leads me to believe it will be a little more difficult than the past few procedures. Down time is 6-8 weeks so all the progress I have made at the gym is over. At least I should be back to myself by the start of school. Pray that this surgery is successful. I am running out of options to fix this!


Bellerive Family said...

PRAYERS ARE WITH YOU. Please know that we are here if you or anyone in your family needs anything at all!!! Lots of love your way, Dawn!!!

Shell said...

Always know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck with everything. I'm so sorry you are having to deal with all of this. You are tough so never forget that! You can get through anything once you decide. Think positive thoughts for a fast recovery! Love ya.