Monday, August 2, 2010

Surgery finally over!

Well I think I am finally done with all surgeries for a while. I can honestly say I have had enough. The surgery was fine but the recovery has been a little more difficult than the last few. Thank goodness my mom was here to help keep things in order. I am sure she was very happy to return to Florida! I had my drain removed today so hopefully I will be able to sleep a little better. The drain tube ran right over my ribs across my back which made laying on my back very painful. The incision on my back is much larger than I anticipated and you can see the outline of the muscle they took. It is shaped like a football. The flipped the muscle and tunneled it under my arm to my chest. Now I have a rather larger bump under my arm that is the muscle. The surgeon says the muscle will atrophy over the course of the next few months. If it does not go down they have to shave the muscle. I refuse to even consider that right now. I get tired very easily and am trying to limit my activity. I am just so bored! On a much brighter note my wonderful husband bought me a new car today!!!!! No more minivan in the Bellerive house. It is a cream colored Ford Edge. They consider it an SUV but today I think they call them cross over vehicles. It is a 2007 with only 41k miles. I absolutely love it. Hope everyone is well and is enjoying the last few weeks of summer. Practices start tomorrow for all the fall activities and school is in just 2 short weeks!

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